Saturday, September 29, 2007

Me and Roger

I have

had a few hair cuts lately so here's some up to date pictures of me!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This is a picture of somebodys fashion designs. The reason I have put these on my blog is because I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up. Up the top is a dress that I designed.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pictures !!!

These are all pictures that someone in my family drew. It wasn't me and I don't think it was my sister so it must have been one of my brothers.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Llamas !!!!

This is a cute pic of a pack llamas !!! Do you think they are cute ?? (BEWARE the llamas will get revenge if you say no !!!!

Random pic

This is a pic that I drew when I was about six (I think). It could be a house but I don't know for sure. What do you think it is ???

Cross Country

On Friday the 15Th of August it was the cross country. The whole school had been training for weeks by running around the block. When the day finally came and all the people I was racing against and I were lined up across the starting line I wasn't even nervous just excited. I remembered to pace myself at the start so I would save my energy for at the end. I guess it payed off because I came 2nd !! Thats way better than last year when I came 12th !!

My b'day !!!!!!

I can't wait !!!!! It's my birthday on Sunday and I'm turning 11. I'm having a party too !!! It's going to be so much fun !!! The people I'm inviting are: Rosa, Josie, Izzy, Libby and Catherine. They should arrive around 2pm on Saturday and leave around 1pm the next day. We hired out two Singstars. They are: Singstar Pop hits and Singstar 90's. We are going to have a midnight feast at midnight and probably a pillow fight(don't worry no one will get knocked out).

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I have decided that I should get Jasmine put down if her tumor gets worse. Believe me it hurts me to come to that decision. Like my friend Josie said $100 is a lot to spend on a mouse, she won't live for much longer after the operation and she might not even survive the operation. The hardest part of Jasmines injury for me would have been when I took her to the vet because it was hard for me to try and not cry while the vet was telling me what was wrong. So if and until she gets put down I'm going to try and spend as much time with her as I can.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dog writing

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All of the stuff above (apart from the title) was written by Roger the adorable puppy.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Poor Jasmine !

I thought it was going to be a normal afternoon that day,but it wasn't. Mum had just cleaned out the mouse cage and I went to check on the mice. I lifted Jasmine out of her cage to find that she had a lump a bit smaller than her head between her left back and front paws. About ten minutes later we took her to the vet. He said that it could be a tumor or maybe even cancer but it was too early to tell at this stage. I asked when I should bring her back and he said ''If the lump starts getting so big that she has trouble walking or if it comes through the skin and bleeds. The surgery to get it removed would cost $100. She is about one and a half years old. The vet also said that any mouse that lives beyond two years is quite lucky to be alive. If the lump gets worse I don't don't know if I should get her put down or get her the surgery. What do you think I should do ??

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Playtime (plus Josie being weird)

At playtime I usually walk around and talk, play Man Hunt, play Cops'n'Robbers, play volley ball or sometimes play Sardines. Above is a picture of me playing King Dodge Ball with my class and above that is a picture of my friend Josie being weird (I don't know why I put that one on).

Saturday, June 9, 2007

My Dads Wedding

My Dads wedding was on the 24 of February 2007. I was the flower girl. Above are some pics that were taken during the ceremony. In the top right pic I have almost finished walking down the isle (I had to walk down first) and in the middle pic its (top left to bottom right) Dad, Jen, Misty, Me, Tori and Blaze. My Dads wedding was so awesome, fun and unforgettable. My Dads wedding was on a Saturday so I went to my Dads house the night before the wedding. At the wedding there was an arch (where the ceremony took place) that had lots of white balloons on it and there was helium balloons tied to a small water balloon that they wouldn't drift away.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Global Warming

There is a major problem happening in the world right now and it's called global warming. Our earth is getting too hot and all the ice in the Antarctic is melting and all the animals that live on drifting ice are losing their homes and are having to swim for a long time to look for a new home and they get so tired that they stop swimming and drown.

Here are some questions that I would like to find the answers to:

Does anybody care about the animals drowning ?

Does anybody care about our world slowly melting ?

How can we prevent world war ?

How can we stop our world from becoming more over crowded than it already is ?

So if you want your kids kids kids kids to live in a clean enviroment you should stop polluting the world as much as you are and this goes out to everyone.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Roger is my dad and his wifes puppy. He is a foxterrier and is just about one and a half years old. He is so cute ! He is white with a black head and black patches on his head. It is really cute because where his eyebrows are meant to be, he has little brown patches and they look like eyebrows. Once when my friend Catherine was at my dads house with me we got one of Rogers toys stuck up in a tree and we couldn't get it down so Catherine threw up one of his other toys and that got stuck in the tree too. Meanwhile Roger was getting bored of us so he left to find something else to do and we didn't even notice. After we finally got the tot out of the tree and noticed Roger was gone we went to find him and when we did he wanted to ploay again. It was so fun.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

More stuff about me

My Special Place
My special place is in my room. It’s special to me because It’s one of the only places where I can go whenever I want. When I’m in my room I can do almost anything like think and have time to myself to play and hang out with my friends. My favourite item in my room would have to be my dressing table because it’s big and I can put all my stuff on it. My room isn’t too big or too small but it’s just the right size for me and all my stuff.

Well I’ve already told you that this year my class is going to Marahau for camp but we are also going to Rainbow Ski Field term three .Last year when we went there but I had an ear ache so I couldn’t go .I have been to Rainbow Ski Field but I just can’t remember .It’s going to be so fun! I’m going skiing. People say that skiing is easier than snowboarding.

Rosas Party
On the fourth to the fifth of May it was my friends Rosas birthday party. I arrived at Rosas house around 4:30 pm on the fourth and Libby was already there. After the rest of the people had arrived we bounced on her tramp for a little while then we had some cake. It was delicious! Next we opened her presents and then mucked around for a little while. At about 5:30 we started getting ready to go out for tea. After we finished getting ready we started walking to where we were going out for tea(The Pizza Bar).When we got there we ordered a drink and some food. After we finished eating we got picked up and when we got home we talked and went to sleep. It was so fun!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Baby Rabbit Stewie

This is my baby rabbit Stewie, I got him from my friend Rosa. In this photo he would've been a couple of weeks old.Now he's about four months and has go specks of white on his back and is still so so so cute !!! He is a Netherland Dwarf and has seven siblings. Their names are Pom Pom, Lolli Pop, Baby, Mouse, Donkey, Socks and Fuzzy. All the other rabbits were sold apart from Pom Pom because Rosa is keeping her and Fuzzy (who still needs a home).

Me and my Friends

These are some of my closest friends they are: (from left to right) Josie, Izzy, Me and Josie, Rosa and Libby. At playtime we usually play Man Hunt, Sardines, Cops and Robbers or just sit around and talk.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

About Me

Hey my name is Cassandra a.k.a Cassi. I am in Room Two at Nelson Central School and I’m turning 11 in August. My teacher is Dave and I’m a year six so next year I’m going to Nelson Intermediate.
At my mums house I have three mice and two Rabbits. The rabbits are Marshmallow and Stewie Griffin. Marshmallow is a girl and Stewie Griffin (a.k.a Stewie or Stewie G) is a boy. The mice are all girls (thankfully).
I have two brothers (Hadden and Blair) and one sister (Sarah).In February my d
ad got married and his wife has three daughters, they are Misty, Blaze and Tori.
I have heaps of friends but my closest ones are Josie, Rosa, Izzy, Libby and Catherine.
My hobbies are volleyball, playing with my friends and playing with my animals.
I can’t wait until I go to Intermediate (next year) but I don’t want to do poetry.
Last year at school our class went on camp to Bethany. It was so fun! We went on a four hour walk to a place called Anchorage, went rock climbing , Swimming in the Riwaka River and lots of other fun, exciting, challenging and memorable tasks.This year we’re going to Marahau for camp.I haven’t been to Marahau before but I don’t think that it will be as good as Betany.
I love shopping with my friends at Supre.My to wear and to shop for are short shorts.
I like visiting my family.Most of my family live in the North Island which sometimes is good becase when we have to travel to see them but sometimes it’s bad because they’re always far away.
At school I like most subjects but not maths that much.
My favourite day of the school week is probably Friday because it’s the end of th week.
I love chocolate and lollies but I can’t choose between them.
I like listening to every kind of music.I like heavy metal music like System of a Down, Pantera,metalica,Korn,Black Sabbath and other bands like that but they don’t play that kind of music on the Edge.My brother (Blair) got me into all those bands because he likes them.
When I’m at my dads house I like to play with his puppy,his name is Rodger.He is a Foxterrier and is very playful.He has got heaps of toys and a round fluffy bed but when I stay at my dads house he sleeps on my bed.When I’m not playing with Rodger I’m usually on the computer,doing something in my room or playing outside.
Most of my friends have trampolines but I don’t one which sucks because I love tramps and I can do lots of flips like a forward flip,a handspring and heaps of other awesome things.I like rectangle tramps the most because they’re the easiest to do flips on.