Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Baby Rabbit Stewie

This is my baby rabbit Stewie, I got him from my friend Rosa. In this photo he would've been a couple of weeks old.Now he's about four months and has go specks of white on his back and is still so so so cute !!! He is a Netherland Dwarf and has seven siblings. Their names are Pom Pom, Lolli Pop, Baby, Mouse, Donkey, Socks and Fuzzy. All the other rabbits were sold apart from Pom Pom because Rosa is keeping her and Fuzzy (who still needs a home).


catherine said...

he is getting bigish now but he's still cute :D

Dave said...

Great blog Casso! Nice to see Stewie. I presume he's called Stewie cos one day he will be a stew? just kidding.......!

Room 2 said...

Hey Cassi. He looks soooooo cute! Can,t wait to see him oneday.